Cuong Nhu Philosophy

Without philosophy, a martial art devolves to simple sport. Only with a clear direction both toward physical and ethical activities can the martial arts be a long-term tool for sell-improvement. Most of the philosophic principles of Cuong Nhu have been organized into short, easily memorized lists of key points and the topics range from the practical (e.g., the Five S's for Warmups) to the emotional (e.g., the Five Loves of a Sensei). Together these philosophies, along with our Code of Moral Conduct and Ethics, form the guidelines along which each student should grow.

Code of Moral Conduct and Ethics of Cuong Nhu Martial Arts

  1. Cuong Nhu students should strive to improve themselves and their abilities within the martial arts in order to serve the people.

  2. All members shall be faithful to the ideals of Cuong Nhu and attempt to spread and develop these beliefs within the younger generation so that they, too, will be morally and physically fit.

  3. All members of Cuong Nhu are unified in spirit and respect each other and their instructors.

  4. Only by absolute discipline of mind, body, and spirit do students maintain honor in Cuong Nhu.

  5. All members shall respect all other styles of the martial arts and only use martial arts techniques for self-defense and to protect truth and reason.

  6. Cuong Nhu students, through dedicated, daily practice, increase their spirit, stamina, and moral character.

  7. The goal of Cuong Nhu students is to maintain a pure, simple, sincere, and noble life.

  8. Self-confidence, modesty, and a non-defeatist attitude are the mental keynotes for students of Cuong Nhu.